At the heart of the Naze32 is a 32bit ST micro work horse of a processor, with untapped memory and cpu power and a host of equally impressive sensors. The Naze is also matched up with some of the nicest GUI programs and features to get the most out of your configuration. This "Acro" version is the same as the full Naze32 board except that the only sensor is MPU6050 acc + gyro. There is no pressure sensor or mag mounted. STM32F103CBT6 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 processor (72MHz, 3.3V) Invensense MPU6050 MEMS accelerometer + gyro Built-in Micro-USB for programming/firmware update 36x36mm size, ~5 gram weight w/o headers Made in JAPAN Shipping with 16V input capable voltage regulators
Acro Naze32 Flight Controller Straight/Right Angle